Introduction to Cryptography I

Undergraduate Course, Ruhr University Bochum, 2018

  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paar
  • Language: English / German
  • Credits: 5 CP
  • Programs: B.Sc. Applied Computer Science, B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc. IT-Security, M.Sc. IT-Security / Networks and Systems
  • Examination: 100 % Written Exam (120 Minutes) + 10 % Homework

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module, students will know the basic applications of asymmetric and symmetric procedures and basic knowledge of asymmetric cryptography. They can decide under which conditions certain procedures should be used in practice and how the security security parameters should be selected. They are familiar with the basics of abstract thinking in IT security technology. On the other hand, by describing selected practice-relevant algorithms, such as the AES or RSA algorithm, they will gain an algorithmic and technical understanding of the practical application. Students gain an overview of the solutions used in practice. They can defend a particular solution with arguments. The lectures are also offered as videos in German and English. Students can therefore acquire language skills in English, the language of science.

Course Description

The module provides a general introduction to how modern cryptography and data security work. Basic terms and mathematical/technical procedures of cryptography and data security are explained. Practically relevant symmetric and asymmetric procedures and algorithms are presented and explained using practical examples. The lecture can be divided into two parts:

The functionality of symmetric cryptography including the description of historically important symmetric encryption methods (Caesar Cipher, Affine Cipher) and current symmetric methods (Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard, Stream Ciphers, One Time Pad) are covered in the first part. The second part consists of an introduction to asymmetric methods and one of their most important representatives (RSA). For this purpose, an introduction of the basics of number theory is carried out to ensure a basic understanding of the procedures (including rings of integers, groups, fields, discrete logarithms, Euclidean algorithm). Nevertheless, the emphasis is on the algorithmic introduction of the asymmetric method.