Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I - Electric Circuit

Undergraduate Course, Ruhr University Bochum, 2018

  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolfes
  • Language: German
  • Credits: 5 CP
  • Programs: B.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.Sc. IT-Security
  • Examination: 100 % Written Exam (120 Minutes) + 10 % Homework

Prior Knowledge


  • Mathematical Knowledge of Differential and Integral Calculus as well as Linear Algebra

Learning Outcomes

Students will have mastered the basics and laws for calculating currents and voltages in electrical direct and alternating current circuits. They can analyze electrical networks, and describe and convert them mathematically correctly. They have understood the basics of complex AC calculation and can apply these to practical examples.

Course Description

The course provides a general introduction to the fundamentals of electrical networks. Basic terms and procedures are explained. The lecture can be divided into five parts:

Linear DC Circuits:

  • Counting arrows
  • current and voltage sources
  • Kirckhoff’s equation
  • simple resistor networks (voltage divider, current divider);
  • real current and voltage sources
  • source-consumer interactions (interconnection of voltage sources, power matching, efficiency)
  • superposition principle
  • analysis of extensive networks

Transition to time-dependent current and voltage forms:

  • Overview as well as introduction of various characteristics (average value, rectified value, rms value, maximum value, peak value, peak-to-peak value, oscillation width)

AC current and voltage:

  • the pointer diagram
  • complex AC current calculus
  • description of concentrated RLC devices and ideal sources
  • introduction to locus curves
  • calculation of simple AC circuits via the complex plane
  • energy and power in AC voltage
  • power matching

Analysis of networks:

  • Mesh current method
  • nodal potential method

Introduction to two-ports:

  • gate condition
  • two-port equations in matrix form (impedance, admittance, hybrid, chain form)
  • two-port properties (reciprocity, symmetry)
  • matrices of elementary two-ports